Public Relations

In the fast-paced world of PR, one goal always stands above the rest: establishing personal connections with editors, influencers, and industry experts. It is through a robust network that we can create visibility, gain advocates, and facilitate collaborations. That is why we are dedicated to building enduring relationships for you, and we currently possess an extensive network spanning thousands of contacts in 40 countries.

We understand that effective PR also requires sustainability. A strategically planned PR strategy allows you to market your product in the long term and effectively, and to reap the benefits of our collaborative work. That’s why we place great importance on ensuring that your placements generate long-term value. What exactly do we offer you in the realm of PR work? Read on to find out!

Which media outlets could report about us?

The possibilities for placement are diverse. Whether it’s through traditional print media, online platforms, or TV, radio, and podcasts, we can identify the right media channels that align perfectly with your target audience. Your desires and expectations are our top priority we will provide you with detailed information on what is feasible and what we need to secure appearances in your preferred media outlets!

Benefit from our extensive network! As specialists in software and hardware, energy, gastronomy, e-commerce, HR & new work, and various startups, we leverage our years of experience and contacts to provide you with the best possible placement opportunities. Depending on the focus of your communication strategy, the doors of major business media, industry-specific trade publications, or consumer-oriented B2C media are open to you for showcasing your product range.

Interviews – You and Your Company in the Spotlight

Interviews are a powerful communication tool, and we know who has the best interview opportunities for you. Together, we define clear key messages and help you appear confident and convincing.

Sit back and relax, and trust in our expertise.


PR Storytelling for Your Success

We tell stories that move. Throughout the diverse world of PR, we accompany your brand from beginning to end. Whether it’s fresh and cheerful, simple and factual, or emotionally touching, we find the right tone for your narrative. We also handle serious topics with sensitivity and necessary authenticity.

Through targeted storytelling, we create a unique connection between your company and your target audiences. Across platforms, we write inspiring stories that stay in your head.  Boring? Not in our vocabulary.


On the track of tomorrow’s trends

Our claim is to always be up to date with the latest trends in your industry in order to be able to react to them at short notice. We monitor the top media topics and trends for you, so that you always know which topic is on everyone’s lips at the moment and bring you, your product and your brand into the discussion.

Professional articles – crafting for the deep dive

Media change has led to editorial teams becoming smaller. Nevertheless, high-quality media are always looking for high-quality content. That is why we support you in the creation of professional articles, guest articles and also interviews.

Close cooperation is the basis of every success. We discuss relevant topics with our contacts and, with the help of your expert input, write appealing texts that are placed on the most important industry portals under the name of your company. Our editorial knowledge and the close exchange with media representatives ensure journalistically high-quality texts that convince editors and readers alike and highlight you as an expert in your field.


With courage into the public: Guerilla PR

Guerilla PR is like a creative lightning bolt that directs attention towards you. We are ready to push boundaries and develop extraordinary PR campaigns together, catapulting you into the spotlight of the public eye.

Our guerrilla communication campaigns are based on courage, creativity and the ability to think outside the box in directions you have never considered. Whether it’s creating elaborate campaigns, staging unexpected stunts, or using unconventional media, we always think one step ahead to get you the maximum impact. We understand the mechanisms of attention and know how to use them for you.


Monitoring – Knowing What Works

Continuous improvement comes from critical self-assessment. That’s why monitoring PR efforts and measuring success is a vital part of our work.We analyze every coverage to gain valuable insights and further optimize your strategy. Every article and every mention counts for us.

At BOHMerang, you take center stage. We provide professional and personalized support to help you achieve your PR goals. Let’s collaborate to ensure your messages are heard and your company is successfully represented in the media.

Convinced? Let’s start a conversation!

Start Your Project Now

Would you like to achieve similar results? Contact us for a non-binding initial consultation, and together we will find the right communication strategy for you!